& Ethics statement

Article selection process

Article selection process

Manuscripts for FLLTR or PLE must be submitted to edl@lairdil.fr by the deadline indicated in the call for papers. The style sheet must be respected even at this early stage. The Editorial board acknowledges receipt of articles and, on the basis of their relevance, agrees to consider or reject them, or provides advice for improvement or guidance.

The Editor sends the anonymous manuscripts to two peer-reviewers, experts in the domain and belonging to institutions other than those of the author(s) of the article. The experts receive the call for papers and an evaluation grid to assist them in their work. They may signal missing references. If there is a contradiction between the evaluations, a third or even a fourth opinion is requested. The evaluation reports, as well as the articles annotated by the referees, are sent to the authors who make the requested corrections or justify any refusal. When the corrected article is returned, the Editorial board verifies that the requested corrections have been made and, if necessary, solicits the experts who requested the corrections. In fine, the editorial board decides whether to accept or reject the article, notifies the authors of its decisions and, in case of refusal, justifies its decision. Additional clarifications and/or corrections may be requested from authors throughout the journal's editing process.

The whole process, from submission to publication lasts, in general, six months. The published article is the subject of a concession of rights between the author(s) and FLLTR. After one year, the article falls under a Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND 3.0. FLLTR archives each issue in paper and electronic formats.

Ethics statement  

This ethical statement is based upon the journal's editorial practices, which correspond to the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in 2011. 

FLLTR is a financially independent journal that actively consults with authors, readers, members of the scientific committee, the reading committee and the editorial board in order to better meet the needs of readers and authors to improve the journal and its development, without any commercial considerations. Authors, reviewers, and the Editor-in-Chief must disclose any conflicts of interest.

Freedom of expression is encouraged as long as it respects the rules of secularism, propriety, political or religious neutrality, etc. Manuscripts are evaluated without regard to the nationality, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs of the authors. Confidentiality, anonymity and objectivity of submitted manuscripts are respected at all stages of the writing process. Unethical treatment of human subjects is not accepted. Plagiarism is also prohibited: each article is scanned with the Compilatio anti-plagiarism software.

Papers describing essentially the same research should not be published in more than one journal. Submitting the same paper to more than one journal constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. Manuscripts which have been published elsewhere cannot be submitted. In addition, manuscripts under review by FLLTR should not be submitted to other publications at the same time.

FLLTR does not publish articles whose research has resulted in misconduct. The Editorial board will bring their concerns to the author(s) in case of suspicion. If the suspicion is confirmed, the article will be immediately rejected, at any point in the process. If the suspicion is raised only after publication, the Editorial board will publish any necessary correction, clarification or retraction in the next issue of the paper journal and in the pdf version of the issue concerned, with explanations and apologies in both cases.

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